
Need a Rubbin’


The beauty of this pick up line is that it can be used for a simple back rub or on to the edge of an exotic imagination.  It’s a good opener for talking about what you do because they guy will almost always ask what you do.  Maybe you just cleaned all the floors of your apartment or maybe you didn’t – you still deseve at least a back rub.  After a scrubbin’ I need a rubbin’.



Do You Mind?


This pick up line can be used by both men and women.  It’s light hearted enough not to get a guy slapped and sensitive enough to just maybe get him in the bedroom.  Ok girls, you’ll get the sex because it looks like no strings attached, so don’t pull any shit if it doesn’t work out – you were warned!  Do you mind waiting until after we’ve had sex to break my heart?



Extra Toothbrush

This pickup line is lighthearted enough to keep you from getting slapped.  She will get what your getting at.  You take it from there!  Did I mention I have an extra toothbrush at my place?



Wow, I’m Wasted!

wow i'm wassted

Wow, I’m wasted… but fortunately this condom in my purse doesn’t have to be.