
Hung Like a Beer Bottle


Size does matter!  Especially when it comes to beer!  Girls may or may not admit it, but they talk about it and are at least interested in the size of a guy’s beer bottle.  If the girl appears offended, explain that a beer bottle with the bottom cut off, filled with dirt, and hung upside down, makes a great flower planter.  And that is what you would like to do – grow her beautiful flowers!  Now get her to down a few long necks before she thinks about it too much… You might like to know I’m hung like a beer bottle.




I’ve Never Been In Japan


This pick up line softens the directness with a play off the pronunciation into another meaning – her panties of course.  If you have to explain it to her, make something up and start talking – the first purpose of a pick up line anyway is to start talking with her.  Then delve into the other pick up lines for fun and keep the conversation moving.  I’ve never been in Japan, but I’d sure love to be in Japanties!



Pat Down


Guys just love to think of themselves as having some “bad boy” in ’em.  This pick up line supports that notion and you’ll have no problem with him refusing arrest.  Hey “Bad Boy” looks like you need a pat down.



Need a Rubbin’


The beauty of this pick up line is that it can be used for a simple back rub or on to the edge of an exotic imagination.  It’s a good opener for talking about what you do because they guy will almost always ask what you do.  Maybe you just cleaned all the floors of your apartment or maybe you didn’t – you still deseve at least a back rub.  After a scrubbin’ I need a rubbin’.



Do You Mind?


This pick up line can be used by both men and women.  It’s light hearted enough not to get a guy slapped and sensitive enough to just maybe get him in the bedroom.  Ok girls, you’ll get the sex because it looks like no strings attached, so don’t pull any shit if it doesn’t work out – you were warned!  Do you mind waiting until after we’ve had sex to break my heart?



You Must Be a Tower


You won’t get slapped with this picku up line, but you will need to work on your delivery because it is a”french” cheesy one (ah….).  You must be a tower because “Eiffel” for you!



Are You From China?


Ok cheese it out China style with this pick up line and you might end up with her number or “that look” a cheesy pick up line tends to bring on.  It’s up to you to smooth the transition to “cool”.  Are you from China? Because I’m China get your number.
